JLH Memorabilia -- The Past Perfect! :: 4
Annals of a Life in Tech - More from the '80s As we had seen in the previous post, the 1980s were a very productive period for JLH and we have a huge corpus here to survey. Let us get into the significant articles published in various magazines of the day. Perhaps it is appropriate that we "start with a bang", or rather, with the unmistakable sound of a MOSFET-amplified, crisp "pop" of a Champagne cork. The announcement of the JLH-designed MOSFET amplifier was sort of a seismic event not only in DIY circles. JLH had 'struck again', easily proving his mastery of circuitry once again with a much improved design of what he had theorized in his earlier series 'Audio Design' (see previous post), which was followed up by a high quality 'demo' build. Here was an amplifier design that raised the bar a quite a few notches. More details anon. 'Simply the Best' MOSFET Amplifier That was how the Electronics Today ...